Erection All Risk
Coverage is on an 'all-risks' basis, including: Fire, lightning, explosions, aircraft damage o Riots, strikes, malicious acts
Floods, inundation, storm, cyclone and allied perils
Landslide, overflows and rockslides
Burglary and theft
Faults in erection
Human errors, negligence
Short circuiting, arcing, excess voltage
Electrical and mechanical breakdown
Collapses, damages due to foreign objects, damages caused by impact
Any other sudden, unforeseen, and accidental damages that were not excluded explicitly
Cross liability
Third-party liability
Removal of debris expenses
Express freight, overtime charges
Air freight
Additional customs duty
Owners' surrounding property
Storage risk at fabricator's premises
Maintenance cover
Broker of Record
Commercial Registration
Wassel /National Address
VAT Certificate
3 years claims experience
A declaration letter if first time insurance
Proposal Form